Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Photos! Ride Up to Base Camp.


I'm going to be posting photos in stages with mini descriptions of what we did each day etc etc.

We were placed in the back of pick-up trucks for the initial ride up to Base Camp

We were all cramped up together and the ride was unbelievably bumpy.

There were quite the amount of us going to Base Camp, with Urmston (my school) and another school.

As the first truck to leave, our groups tuck left masses of dust and dirt clouds for all the other students and trucks to go through. we actually managed to be the cleanest of the entire lot. White shirts all became a dusty brown.

We all came together and got our instructions about tent allocations etc, and who would be sent where (we had to be split in two groups, and one stayed in BC and the other went up to Cantiles, the camp that is based upon one of the highest points of the rainforest)

Overall first view of the camp, taken from our point of entry.

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