Sunday, 21 December 2014

Update: Tomorrow!

Hey everyone,

I'm starting my 2 day trip to the Cayman Islands tomorrow!
I'm wondering how I'll cope with the time difference, because I'll end up waking up at about 4am over there when it's 9am here in the UK!

I'll keep you posted!

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Update: Over Christmas....

Hey everyone,

I'm going to see my family in the Cayman Islands over Christmas and New Year, due to illnesses to my Auntie.

Despite the worrying news, the trip will help me understand how the difference in time (5/6 hours) will be like, and how it'll have an effect on my body, as well as how I'll get used to the heat.

Whilst I'm there, my Uncle might so some diving with me so that'll help massively!

I'll do my best to keep posting whilst I'm over there!

Monday, 1 December 2014

Update: Scubadiving?


A few friends and I were looking up diving courses so we can get our scubadiving documentation, meaning we can simply get straight in with the work, rather than doing the classes there and being restricted to certain activities, but it turns out, my school are making everyone do their scubadiving qualification in March time! 

It's an extra £200 on top of the trip cost, but it'll definitely be worth it, as we'll all be able to jump straight in with coral ecology etc.

I look forward to it!